Chloé Convey
Chloe Convey graduated from the Chelsea College of Art and Design in London, as textile designer. Her work is both nostalgic and playful and her illustrative hand-drawn style provides the starting point for her work in which she enjoys the fusion of traditional craft and digital processes. Chloe has interned extensively within the fashion and textiles industry and has exhibited and sold her work at international trade fairs.
What is your source(s) of inspiration, what moves you?
History is a huge source of inspiration for me. I feel that I am quite nostalgic I think a lot of my inspiration comes from playing dress-up as a child and raiding my grandma’s sewing cupboard. Organic forms also inspire me, particularly the tension between these and the urban sprawl that is London.
Your favorite museum, your favorite drink
Victoria and Albert Museum in London & Spiced rum and coke.
Do you work at night or during the day?
For me this varies a lot day to day, but I love working very late at night into the early morning when I feel like I’m the only person in the world who’s awake.
The artist you crave for (at the moment)
This is so hard as I feel that I have been influenced by so many different artists throughout my life. The most enduring of these for me is probably Frida Kahlo, I am reading an English translation of her diary and I find the way that she bared herself and her experiences through her art very courageous.
What is the most amazing present you ever received?
For my 18th birthday, my boyfriend at the time built me a bike from lots of scrap pieces that he had collected – that was pretty special as it was completely unique and had a beautiful vintage step-through frame…it was also purple.
If I say « paper » what is first coming to your mind?
Mention a quote you feel is creatively inspiring
This is another difficult one as I’m a bit of a quote-addict! My ultimate creative quote would have to be ‘Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful’ from William Morris – for me this is the best advice when designing anything!
If you weren’t an artist, what would you be?
An archaeologist.
Topics and causes that matter to you?
Equality – I feel that really this covers all of the issues and causes that matter to me most.