Monika Forsberg
Monika Forsberg was born in a seaside town in the very north of Sweden, where it was almost always winter. She moved to London to study art, became an animator and a mum. And later on an illustrator. Her work has appeared in magazines and books, and on children’s apparel and gift products. She is happiest hugging her family, swimming in cold water and drawing whilst listening to audio books.
What is your source(s) of inspiration, what moves you?
Pretty much everything, memories to films, nature, dreams.
Your favorite museum, your favorite drink
British Museum a lot & Sparkly water.
Do you work at night or during the day?
Daytime, the earlier start the better.
The artist you crave for (at the moment)
Misaki Kawai, Richard Scarry, Matisse and Mamsell Josabeth Sjöberg.
What is the most amazing present you ever received?
A giant cuddly toy Lion when i was about 5.
If I say « paper » what is first coming to your mind?
Mention a quote you feel is creatively inspiring
“You must go on a long journey before you can really find out how wonderful home is” – Tove Jansson.
If you weren’t an artist, what would you be?
A surgeon.
Topics and causes that matter to you?
Kindness and compassion.