Camille Laugié
Camille Laugié is a textile designer who specialises in print design for wall papers and interior decoration. She has always been creating around collage, engraving or ceramics. Camille is inspired by Nature, her travels and her passion for birds. She graduated from the textile designer school of Duperré in Paris, before a year at the Beaux Arts in Beirut and her Masters in Lyon back in France in 2012.
Camille starts her textile designer work with Minakani (a small textile designer agency based in Paris), where she travelled extensively and brought back with her beautiful animal sketches from South America.
After seeing so many beautiful things, she is then hired by Christian Lacroix in Paris. She currently lives in Fontainebleau, surrounded by animals and nature.
What is your source(s) of inspiration, what moves you?
Birds are my primary source of inspiration. I have always been facinated by them, especially birds and their thousand colors, when drawn by naturalists.
What is the most amazing present you ever received?
I collect sketchbooks, hundreds of them. I have always been crazy about them. However, I think to this day, my most amazing gift is a gorgeous riding sattle offered by my family for my 30th birthday.
Do you work at night or during the day?
I am much slower during the day than at night where I can let my creativy free rolling. At night everything is dark and quiet, and I am on my own which makes me the most productive.
The artist you crave for (at the moment)
Jacques Prévert, always and forever. This year, Pierre Marie is a talented illustrator who just finished his first tapestry in Aubusson « Ras El Hanout ».
Your favorite museum, your favorite drink
It does not really qualify as a museum, but my favorite place is a taxidermy boutique in Paris, called Deyrolle. This place has a strong effect on me, good and bad at the same time. My favorite drink is a fresh mango juice from the market in Vietnam.
If I say « paper » what is first coming to your mind?
Cissors. Immediatly.
Mention a quote you feel is creatively inspiring
« My hears lays in the Orient and my body in the Occident »
Yehudah Halévi, 12th Century
If you weren’t an artist, what would you be?
Chef with my brother, in our mother’s garden.
Topics and causes that matter to you?
Animal care, and the protection of the environnent. The access to art, culture and eduction for all are also causes that matter to me, dearly.
Camille Laugié
Christian Lacroix Paris, Boon the shop Paris, Studio Cymé, Pierre Frey, Lovaloom, Flow magazine
Instagram @camillelaugie
Web http://www.camillelaugie.com
Pinterest https://www.pinterest.fr/camillelaugie/