3D Modeling: Surgeon Paper
made in France

Nice to meet you Surgeon Paper (Remi). Who are you?
I have always been attracted to manual activities. As a child, I was very curious, I spent a lot of my free time dismantling and putting it back together electronic devices. I like to understand how things work, it has caused me some accidents of course, such as when I planted a hairpin in an electrical outlet, or when I put my hand flat on a hot plate … to check if it was really hot. It was.
I always kept a creative side hobby on top of my countless jobs. I made stop-motion movies with paper objects or with pretty much everything that fell under my hand (www.vimeo.com/charetteprod). I participated in the realization of advertisements using this technique.
Meet Remi

Bonjour !
“For a little over a year, I am 100% working on paper sculptures, based on computer modelisation.
I sell online my “animals” and other artworks (see link below).
I am open for commissions for window décor, or private orders.”

MISTER RABIT AND A BOW [Originals by Surgeon Paper], using IMPRESSION ORIGINALE “Océan de Vagues” wrap.
The use of specialised software is key. Can you explain what is the role of the computer in your creation?
The first time I saw a paper sculpture in this style, I immediately wanted to try. I was already working with paper, glue, cutters; The first time, I used a deer modelised model I found online. I was a success.
I really liked the result and so I deepened the subject and learned more looking at online tutorials to be able to master all the stages of creation, and eventually, create my own models.

MISTER RABIT AND A GIFT [Originals by Surgeon Paper], using IMPRESSION ORIGINALE “Déluge de Coeurs” wrap.
Where is your mind when you give life to your artworks?
It takes too much focus for me to be able to think of anything other than what I am doing!
It is usually when my mind begins to escape that I make mistakes, this is usually the moment I choose to take a break.

THE THREE LITTLE RABITS [Originals by Surgeon Paper], Using IMPRESSION ORIGINALE wraps.

What do you see from your window in Marseilles?
Being in a period of professional transition, I constantly move.
Right now, I see trees, the skyline of Marseilles, and Notre Dame de la Garde in the background. The top three quarters of the view are filled with a beautiful blue sky most of the time.
Marseille is a little French California … except for high technology and movie stars.
What is your favorite artwork? Explain to us why.
“…but it is impossible… it is like choosing your favorite child!”

THE PANTHERE [Originals by Surgeon Paper].
As you can see on my Instagram feed, the little rabbit is a central piece. I had to go through a lot of prototypes and I’m really pleased with the result I got and how poeple receive it.
However I would say that my favorite creation is the bear … or the wolf … or else … in fact I love them all, it’s a bit like choosing between your children what you ask me!
What do you need to feel most creative?
I work a lot based on raw emotions: anything can be a trigger for a desire to create. This can be music, text, a landscape, or the work of another artist …
My sources of inspiration are unlimited and often unexpected, but they all have a common implication of the senses, mostly the sight, but the hearing and the touch are also playing a big part.
Explain to us, step by step how you bring life to your rabbit!
The first step is 3D modeling. It all happens on computer: I use the Blender software. Creating an object in volume on a flat screen requires good vision in space, and a certain capacity for abstract thinking.
When I am satisfied with the 3D object, I use another software to virtually “unfold” it: Pepakura. This makes it possible to obtain a printable pattern, and to arrange the various facets to optimize the feasibility of the next step: the assembly.
The next step is printing the pattern. Then the object transitions from the virtual world to reality … But, there is still much to do: cut out each piece, fold it and paste it one by one in order to reconstitute the object in volume.
Et voilà 😉

MRS RABBIT [Originals by Surgeon Paper], Using IMPRESSION ORIGINALE “Campanules Lilliputiennes” wrap.